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The server configuration file for OSCam contains reader parameters. Sections in oscam.server are recurring (more than one reader possible). At least one [reader] section is required. Examples for reader configuation you will find here example configurations

label                  =
enable                 =
description            =   
protocol               =
device                 =  # ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn8057+8059:01/04/2013
detect                 =
use_gpio               =
cardmhz                =  # ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn7046:06/12/12
mhz                    =  # ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn7045-47:06/12-14/12
autospeed              =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9064:12/01/2013
deprecated             =
mode                   =
device_out_endpoint    =  # ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn8013:12/29/2012
smargopatch            =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6402:02/16/2012
sc8in1_dtrrts_patch    =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6402:02/16/2012
cool_timeout_init      =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6286:01/23/2012 
cool_timeout_after_init=  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6253:01/17/2011
ins7e                  =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5959:09/22/2011
ins7e11                =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6064:12/06/2011
fix07                  =  # NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9884:09/30/2014
force_irdeto           =
nagra_read             =
rsakey                 =  # ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn7043:06/12/12
fix9993                =
boxkey                 =      
pincode                =
boxid                  =
ndsversion             =
aeskeys                =
showcls                =  # VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn6624:04/23/2012
key                    =
account                =  # VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn8131:01/20/2013
user                   =    
password               =
services               =
caid                   =   
ident                  =   
class                  = 
chid                   =
group                  =
audisabled             =
auprovid               =
disableserverfilter    =
inactivitytimeout      =
reconnecttimeout       =  #  ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn7244:08/07/2012
connectoninit          =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8235:01/29/2013
                          #  ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn 9810:07/22/2014
keepalive              =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9810:07/22/2014
fallback               =  
fallback_percaid       =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8896:09/04/2013
emmcache               =
emmreassembly          =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8493:0/06/2013
                       =  #  VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn8591:04/01/2013
cacheex                =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6039:11/26/2011
cacheex_maxhop         =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6691:05/07/2012
logport                =
ecmwhitelist           =
ecmheaderwhitelist     =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn7480:09/21/2012 
ratelimitecm           =
ecmnotfoundlimit       =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8315:02/07/2013         
resetcycle             =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5821:08/12/2011
ratelimitseconds       =  #  VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn9078:09/12/2013
ratelimitime           =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9078:09/12/2013
ecmunique              =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8491:03/06/2013
srvidholdseconds       =  #  VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn9078:09/12/2013
srvidholdtime          =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9078:09/12/2013
cooldowndelay          =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5946:09/09/2011
blocknano              =
blockemm-u             =
blockemm-s             =
blockemm-g             =     
blockemm-unknown       =
blockemm-bylen         =  #  ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA svn8615:04/12/2013
via_emm_global         =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9843:09/05/2014
saveemm-u              =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5947:09/09/2011
saveemm-s              =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5947:09/09/2011
saveemm-g              =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5947:09/09/2011
saveemm-unknown        =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn5947:09/09/2011  
savenano               =  #  VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn5947:09/09/2011
readnano               =
use_ssl                =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8725:06/25/2013 
dropbadcws             =  #  ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn11292:12/21/2016  
disablecrccws          =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn6004:10/26/2011
disablecrccws_only_for =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn11292:12/21/2016 
lb_weight              = 
lb_whitelist_services  =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8656:05/22/2013
lb_force_fallback      =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn9739:05/19/2014
cccversion             =
cccmaxhops             =
ccchop                 =   
cccreshare             =  #  ÄNDERUNG - CHANGE - MODIFICATIONS - MODIFICA  svn8607:04/10/2013  
cccwantemu             =
ccckeepalive           =
cccreconnect           =  #  VERALTET - OBSOLETE - OBSOLÈTE - ANTIQUATO  svn6441:02/23/2012
cccmindown             =
device                 =
password               =
gbox_reshare           =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8350:02/15/2013
gbox_max_distance      =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8350:02/15/2013
gbox_max_ecm_send      =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8350:02/15/2013
user                   =  #  NEU - NEW - NOUVEAU - NUOVO  svn8662:05/24/2013


Define local or remote reader


parameter is required

name for reader


label = easymouse2


parameter is optional

deactivate reader

0  =  off
1  =  On (default)


parameter is optional

description = text

description of reader, default: [blank] none


parameter is required

reader protocol

protocol = mouse         (local cardreader)
         = internal      (all cardreader with "device=/dev/sciX", and internal Coolstream-Reader)
         = camd35|cs357x (cascading - camd 3.5-compatible remote server - udp)
         = mp35
         = smartreader
         = serial
         = cs378x        (camd 3.5-compatible remote server - tcp)
         = gbox
         = newcamd|newcamd525
         = newcamd524
         = cccam
         = radegast
         = pcsc
         = constcw
         = sc8in1
         = smargo


parameter is required

CHANGE svn8057+8059:01/04/2013

CHANGE svn8096:01/13/2013

CHANGE svn8911:09/10/2013

define local or remote reader

device = [<readertype>;]serial:serialnum|bus:device|<device|device:slot>|<ip|hostname>,<port>[,<lport>]|pcsc|<0|1>>|constantcw

set reader type

              SR:          Smartreader+ (default)
              SRv2:        Smartreader V2
              Infinity:    Infinity USB 
              TripleP1:    Smargo Triple Reader port 1 
              TripleP2:    Smargo Triple Reader port 2 
              TripleP3:    Smargo Triple Reader port 3

bus:device:   bus name and device name of the smartreader+
              (get the name with lsusb 'Bus' ans 'Device')
serialnum:    Serial-Nummer des Smartreader+ or Ininity USB (get the serial number while starting OSCam)

device:       device name

device:slot:  device name and slot number sc8in1 /1-8)
              (only one sc8in1 reader supported)

ip|hostname:  IP address or host name

port:         TCP/IP port

lport:        remapping to local TCP/IP port

PCSC:         number of PCSC reader, starting with 0

0|1:          for Coolstream HD-1 STB only: select reader 0 or reader 1

constantcw:   constant CW file name


CAID:Provider ID:Service ID:PMT ID:ECM PID::key (16 Bytes seperated by spaces)
1234:123456:1234:2345:3456::00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 
Extended OSCam-Format
CAID:Provider ID:Service ID:PMT ID:ECM PID:Video PID:key (16 Bytes seperated by spaces)
1234:123456:1234:2345:3456:7890:00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F

Examples for device parameters

device = /dev/ttyS0     # (Reader on COM1 (Linux i386 and Windows))
device = /dev/tts/1     # (Reader on COM2 (Linux dbox2 with multicam))
device = /dev/ttyUSB0   # (Reader on USB  (Linux i386))
device = /dev/ttyUSB0:1 # Slot 1 SC8in1 or MCR 4/8 (Linux i386)

Attention: Counting begins with 0, that means number of device is one less than number of COM-Port! Eg ttyS0 = COM1, tts/1 = COM2.


parameter depends on setup/programversion

status detect of card is in

analysis by fun7:

Detect = CD  -  Carrier Detect, is a line that is used by the switch (open / closes a circuit)
                for protocol = mouse

Detect = DSR -  Data Set Ready: is a V24 / (RS232) interface signal that is transmitted on PIN 6 of a D-SUB connector. 
                I guess the detection itself has to be processed by the cardreaders ICs itself and is later on beeing 
                transmitted on pin6.

Detect = CTS -  Clear To Send) - RTS - Ready to send : A RTS (ready to send) request is beeing send out from the reader.
                Usually the oscam will answer with a CTS (clear to send) response, telling its ready to receive. 
                That feature had a common use on analog modems in the past.

Detect = RING - Ring Indicator: this describes a so called RING indicator - like the ring of a telephone - that is specified
                in the RS232 specs to signalize an incoming call. In the context of oscam this should mean: reader is ringing
                the oscam after card insertion, telling the oscam its desire to create a data connection. Like the word "ring" 
                indicates, this was used in serial connections of modems as well.

Detect = NONE - detect switched off, but signal "card is in"

Detect = GPIO - GPIO means "general purpose input output". Used for mipsel-uclib, I could imagine this could be useful if  
                you want to play around with a raspberry pi and transmit the cardstatus to its gpio pin. 
  • Inverse = prefix "!"(eg "detect=!CTS")


label                         = mymouse
description                   = mymouse xxx
protocol                      = mouse
device                        = /dev/ttyUSB0 (easymouse 2)
services                      = xxx
boxkey                        = 1122334455667788
force_irdeto                  = 1
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 1000
cardmhz                       = 600
group                         = 1,2,3
emmcache                      = 1,3,2


parameter depends on setup/programversion

CHANGE svn7046:06/12/12

set standard SC frequency in units of 10 kHz, for Irdeto SC set to 600, refer to Overclocking Example:

cardmhz = 600  # Irdeto card
        =      # [blank] 357 (default)


If you use cardmhz >2000 OScam will switch to PLL clocking. Internal readers of boxes from Dream Multimedia GmbH can be clocked more precise with it.

The used cardmhz should reflect the highest frequency of the PLL crystal in the internal cardreader. OSCam will calculate the best PLL divider that comes nearest to the wanted user card speed specified in cardmhz.

Use the following settings:

Models with PPC-CPU (DM500/DM600/DM7000/DM7020) use "cardmhz = 3150"

Models with MIPS-CPU (DM500HD/DM800/DM800SE/DM8k/DM7020HD etc.) use "cardmhz = 2700"

DM7025 is special, use "cardmhz = 8300"

If only the parameter cardmhz is set (without mhz = xxx) then Oscam clocks the card automatically with the ATR!

E.G. You have a dream 800 HD PVR, thats a mips so you should set cardmhz to 2700. We got a nagra card that should run on 5 MHz. If

you want to clock the card ok just use cardmhz = 2700 an mhz = 500. If you want to overclock it use cardmhz = 2700 and mhz = 900.

Now your card will start to run 9 Mhz. Better monitor it! An overclocked card could run hot or crash suddenly!

Keep in mind that most internal readers of non-dreamboxes clock the cards automatically and copletely ignore any user clockspeed setting. But you should set cardmhz and mhz anyway, as its still used to calculate the correct timings in OSCam. If you set cardmhz/mhz correct the timings will better match with the actual (automatically) clockspeed of the internal card reader. As for a result slighly better ecm responses or more stable functioning.

Dont expect magic here, only overclocking the cardspeed can reduce the ecm response time. Bad timings can only delay it or make the card responses instable! List of default and overclocking card frequencies


parameter is optional

CHANGE svn 9064:12/13/2013

set reader frequency in units of 10 kHz, if mhz > cardmhz you are in overclocking mode, refer to Overclocking


# Default 357
cardmhz = 600    # ( 6000 KHz =  6 MHz)
mhz     = 1000   # (10000 KHz = 10 MHz)

auto clock speed in Dreambox mode set to -1. Further Informations about the various (Dream)Boxes can be found here.

List of default and overclocking card frequencies


parameter is optional

NEW svn9064:12/01/2013

autospeed = 0|1

autospeed = 0 disabled 
autospeed = 1 (default) Sets mhz according to ATR. Currently only used for smartreader, smargo protocol and Dreambox-readers internal protocol. Other readers will be adapted to use this
parameter as well. In webif checked means 1. If you want to overclock your card set autospeed to 0.


parameter is optional

First the SC will be initialized in normal mode. If it fails, the SC will be automatically reverted to deprecated mode, so that the SC speed will not be changed and the communication will remain on normal ATR speed of 9600 baud.

deprecated = 1  use deprecated SC mode only
           = 0  default


parameter depends on setup/programversion

set card init mode for AzBox reader

mode = 1  # AzBox-Reader
     = 0  # none (default)


parameter depends on setup/programversion

CHANGE svn8013:12/29/2012

set endpoint address for FTDI chips

device_out_endpoint = 0x81 # Smargo Triple Reader port 1
                    = 0x82 # Smartreader+  (default)
                    = 0x83 # Smargo Triple Reader port 2
                    = 0x85 # Smargo Triple Reader port 3


parameter is optional

NEW svn6402:02/16/2012

smargopatch = 0|1

enable workaround for smartreader+ and reader until native mode works, default = 0


parameter is optional

NEW svn6402:02/16/2012

sc8in1_dtrrts_patch = 0|1

enable fix for SC8in1/MCR DTR/RTS kernel bug, default = 0


parameter is optional

NEW svn6286:01/23/2012

cool_timeout_init = timeout in milli seconds, default = 0

set card init mode for AZBox internal reader


parameter is optional

NEW svn6253:01/17/2012

Attention: only for Coolstream!

cool_timeout_after_init = timeout in milli seconds, default = 0

set read/transmit timeout after SC init in milli-seconds for Coolstream internal reader only, default:150


parameter is optional

NEW svn5959:09/22/2011

ins7e = payload
      = [none] default

Add 26 hex-bytes payload for NDS Videoguard 2 SCs

Attention: valid for physical readers only


parameter is optional

NEW svn6064:12/06/2011

ins7e11 = TA1 Byte
        =    # [none] default
        = 11 # 0001 FI + 0001 DI (1 x)
        = 13 # 0001 FI + 0011 DI (4 x)
        = 14 # 0001 FI + 0100 DI (8 x)
        = 15 # 0001 FI + 0101 DI (16 x)

Add TA1 Byte for NDS Videoguard 2 SCs

Attention: valid for physical readers only


NEW svn9884:09/30/2014

parameter is optional

fix07 = 1/payload

1        =   enable 0x07 fix for NDS Viedeoguard 2 SCs
             valid for physical readers only
payload  =   add check conrol for pin payload for NDS Videoguard 2 SCs
             valid for physical readers only
             (default = none [blank]


Parameter ist optional

NEW svn10702:10/06/2015 Under Construction


parameter is optional

force Irdeto SC mode even if RSA key is set for Irdeto tunneled Nagravion SC

force_irdeto = 1  # yes
             = 0  # no  (default)


parameter is optional

read Nagravison records (on NCMED cards only):

nagra_read = 0  # disabled (default)
           = 1  # read all records with expired rights
           = 2  # read records with valid rights only


parameter is optional

CHANGE svn7046:06/12/12

RSA key for Nagravision/Tiger SCs / CAM key data for Irdeto SCs, Conax SCs, default = none


parameter is optional

fix9993 = 0|1

enabled fix for 9993 error with CAID 0919 SCs.

fix9993  =  1  # enabled
         =  0  # disabled (default)


parameter is optional

box key for Nagravision SCs / CAM key for Irdeto SCs


parameter is optional

pincode for Conax, Cryptoworks an Viaccess SCs

pincode = pincode
        =  # [blank] default


parameter is optional

NDS receiver box id

boxid = NDS box ID


parameter is optional

set NDS Videoguard version

 0 = # autodetection  (default)
 1 = # NDS Videoguard 1
12 = # NDS Videoguard 1+
 2 = # NDS Videoguard 2


parameter is optional

multiple 16 bytes AES keys for Viaccess SCs (the used postprocessing AES key is specified through the D2 nano of the ECM)

CAID #ident:AES key #0 CAID #0[,AES key #1 CAID #0],...[;CAID #1@ident::AES key #0 CAID #1[,AES key #1 CAID #1],...]...
special AES keys:
00 = do not return any CW, no AES key specified
FF = return CW received from the S, no AES key specified


aeskeys = 0500@012345:000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f;0500@543210:0,0,0f0e0d0c0b0a090807060504030201
aeskeys = 0500@012345;key0,key1,key2,key3,key4,key5,...;0500@543210:key0,key1,key2,key3,key4,key5,...
if keys are unknown replace them with 0 exemple: 0500@012345;key0,key1,0,0,key4,key5,...


OBSOLETE svn6624:04/23/2012

parameter is optional

number of classes subscriptions to show for Viacces-SCs

schowcls = quantity
         = 0  # (default)


parameter depends on setup/programversion

key for newcamd remote reader encryption

key = DES key


parameter is optional

user for remote reader (name)


parameter is optional

password for remote reader


parameter is optional


mgcamd encrypted gbox line


{ <IP|hostname> { <local port> <remote port> { <password> { <level> <level> } address> }


MAC address=eth0


Parameter ist optional

Attention: If loadbalancing is enabled in oscam.conf [global] among lb_mode, then there may be no entries!

Attention: The number of services that will be considered based reader, is limited to 64, or 64 times [[service-name][CAID][provid][srvid]]!

What services can the reader. This requires a oscam.services be present. The logic here is as follows (in this order):

  • If the field is empty (or invalid), the request is allowed.
  • When a negative service (ie, those with "!") is applicable, the request is rejected.
  • If a positive service is applicable or there is no positive service, the request is allowed.
  • If none of the previous points, the request is rejected.

This means that negative Services are only necessary in individual cases. Namely, if and when services has positive, but it wants to exclude some back. This is not recommended, because here comes quickly to misconfigurations. Instead, an additional service to be created that contains all the relevant channels.

[de]assignment to service group

services = [!]services[,[!]<services>]...
         = [blank] is default


parameter is optional

caid = <CAID>[&<mask>][:<target CAID>][,<CAID>[&<mask>][:target <CAID>]]...

define and mapping of CAIDs for reader, default:all CAIDs with mask FFFF


caid = 0100
caid = 0200&ffee:0300
caid = 0400&ff00:0500,0600
caid = 0702,0722
caid = 0702&ffdf (shortcut for the example above)


parameter is optional

Attention: If in oscam.conf [global] loadbalancing is enabled among lb_mode, then there may be no entries!

define CAID and ident SC specific for reader:

ident 0 <CAID>:<ident>[,ident]...[;<CAID>:<ident>[,ident]...]...


ident =  # 0100:123456,234567;0200:345678,456789
      =  # [blank] no definition (default)


parameter is optional

define class in hex SC specific for reader:

class = 01,02,!1b,!2b  # 01 and 01 yes, 1b and 2b no
      =                # [blank] no definition (default)


parameter is optional

define Irdeto ChID for reader


chid = 0100:12
chid = 0100:12;0604:0000BA,000101,00010E,000141
     =  # [blank] default


parameter is required

CHANGE svn6103:12/21/2011

Reader assingment to group. Each reader must be listed in one or more groups. This will determine, which client has access on what reader. Valid values 1-64

group   = 1....64[,1....64]....

set required = [blank] default not allowed!


Group = 1      # (one group)
Group = 1,4,5  # (more groups)


parameter is optional

exclude reader from auto AU (auto update)

audisabled = 1  # excludet
           = 0  # not excludet (default)


parameter is optional

set provider ID to use the right reader for auto AU


auprovid =  # 123456
         =  # [blank] default


parameter is optional

ignore caid and ident settings of reader due faulty clients

disableserverfilter = 1  # ignore
                    = 0  # not ignore (default)


parameter depends on setup/programversion

inactivity timeout in seconds

inactivitytimeout = seconds
                  = -1  # reconnect on network failure for newcamd based readers, even in idle
                  =  0  # default


parameter is optional

CHANGE svn7244:08/07/2012

Reconnect from a remote reader, if missing answers in seconds


reconnecttimeout = 20   # after 20 seconds new connection
                 =      # [blank] default


parameter is optional

NEW svn8235:01/29/2013

connectoninit = 0|1

1 = allow newcamd connections to be established on starup although there isn't a request yet
0 = default


parameter is optional

NEW svn9810:07/22/2014

keepalive = 0|1

1  =  allow cs378x TCP socket to be always connected
0  =  always on if cacheex reader type


parameter is optional

Define reader as fallback, standard and fallback reader must have the same group, see group!

fallback = 1  # fallbackreader
         = 0  # no fallbackreader (default)


parameter is optional

NEW svn8896:09/04/2013

fallback_percaid = <CAID>[:<ident>[,ident]]...[;<CAID>[:<ident>[,ident]]...]...

use reader as fallback for defined CAIDs only, two digit wildcards CAIDs are possible, fallback_percaid overrules fallback. Def.=none


fallback_percaid = 1234:234567;10:345678


parameter is optional

set EMM cache of local reader


Without this parameter, no EMM are shown in the log!


emmcache = <usecache>,<rewrite>,<logging>,<stb-emm>
* <usecache> 0 = # disable usage of emmcache and emmstats  (default)
* <usecache> 1 = # enable emmcache, emmstats and save to file if oscam is stopped
* <usecache> 2 = # enable emmcache, emmstats but dont save to file if oscam is stopped
* <rewrite>  n = # determines how often one and the same EMM is written. only if <usecache> = 1 or 2
* <logging>  0 = # EMM logging disabled
* <logging>  1 = # logging EMM errors
* <logging>  2 = # logging written EMMs
* <logging>  4 = # logging skipped EMMs
* <logging>  8 = # logging blocked EMMs
* <logging>  16 = # logging audisabled EMMs
* <stb-emm>  0 = # EMM for STB are ignored (default)
* <stb-emm>  1 = # EMM for STB are sent to the reader (very specific usage)

Sumarizing this values is possible. 31 shows all kinds of messages.


emmcache = 1,3,10,0 #  Cache on, write 3 x, log written (2) and blocked (8) = 10 , don't send stb-emm
emmcache = 1,2,6,1  #  Cache on, write 2 x, log written (2) and skipped (4) = 6, send stb-emm

stb-emm: is only handy for specific usage (Viaccess: see commit #10584 ) In Viaccess we saw some EMM-G that are for the STB and not for the card. That's why we call it EMM-STB (Set Top Box). Those EMMs are, for exemple, used to define overencryption key (AES) into the STB to encrypt STB-Card dialog.


parameter is optional

NEW svn8493:03/06/2013

OBSOLETE svn8591:04/01/2013 parameter now in oscam.user!

emmreassembly = 0|1

1 = enable EMM reassembly, default
0 = disable EMM reassembly

should be set for Viaccess and Cryptoworks readers if the client that you are using to send EMMs is reassembling than instead of just sending them to OSCam for processing


parameter is optional

NEW svn6044:11/27/2011

cacheex = 0|1|2|3

1  =  enable cache exchange pull mode
2  =  enable cache exchange push mode 
3  =  enable cache exchange reversepush mode
0  =  default
for camd 3.5x and CCcam protocol

see also on oscam.user!

Identical cache exchange modes must be set on local OSCam server and remote OSCam user account!

cacheex = 1 - cachepull


OSCam A reader1 has cacheex = 1

OSCam B account1 has cacheex = 1

OSCam A gets a ECM request, reader1 send this request to OSCam B,

OSCam B checks his cache:

  • Not found in cache: return NOK
  • Found in cache: return OK+CW
  • Not found in cache, but found pending request: wait cacheexwaittime in oscam.conf [global] and check again. OSCam B never requests new EMMs.

CW-flow = B ---> A

cacheex = 2 - cachepush


OSCam A reader1 has cacheex = 2

OSCam B account1 hastcacheex = 2

If OSCam B gets a CW, its pushed to OSCam A, reader has normal functionality and can request ECMs.

  • Problem: OSCAM can only push CW's if OSCam A is connected
  • Problem or feature?: OSCam A reader can request ECMs from OSCam B

CW-flow = B ---> A

cacheex = 3 - reversecachepush


OSCam A reader 1 has cacheex = 3

If OSCam A gets a CW, its pushed to OSCam B. OSCam A never requests new ECMs.

CW-flow = A ---> B


parameter is optional

NEW svn6691:05/07/2012

cacheex_maxhop = hops

               =  default = 10 hops

define maximum hops for cach exchange


parameter is optional

Camd 3.x reader logport, camd 3.x UDP must be activated, only works if there's no camd 3.x cascading

logport =    # port number
        =  0 # disabled (default)


parameter is optional

ecmwhitelist = [CAID[@provid]:]length[,length]...[;[CAID[@provid]:]length[,length]...]...

define valid ECM length in hex and provid for physical reader


ecmwhitelist  =  10,20,30,0a,0b,0c
              =  0100:10,20;0200@12345:0a,4b 
[blank]       =  none (default) and provid 000000

In normal operation mode this parameter ist not required!

List of ECM lengths


parameter is optional

NEW svn7480:09212012

ecmheaderwhitelist = [CAID[@provid]:]header[,header...[;[@provid]:]header[,header]...]...

set valid ECM header per CAID and provid in hex

default: none, provid = 000000

thread here

HeaderWhitelist here


parameter is optional

number of different SIDs in ECMs allowed for an interval

ratelimitecm =   # number
             = 0 # (default)


parameter is optional

NEW svn8313:02/07/2013

ecmnotfoundlimit = count

number of ECMs with "not found" answer until the reader will be restarted, 0 = no limit (default)


parameter is optional

NEW svn5820:08/12/2011

resetcycle = count

number of ECMs until SC reset ist performerd

Hint: Valid for physical readers only!


resetcycle  =  0   #  disabled [default]
            =  5   #  reset after 5 ECM's


parameter is optional

NEW svn9078:09/12/2013

interval for rate limit in milliseconds

ratelimittime =   # milliseconds
              = 0 # (default)


parameter is optional

NEW svn8491:03/06/2013

ecmunique = 0|1

1 = enable check for matching ECM hash in ratelimit slot
0 = default


parameter is optional

NEW svn9078:09/12/2013

srvidholdtime = milliseconds

time to keep service ID in ratelimit slot, during this time checking for ecmunique ist disabled. 0 = default


parameter is optional

NEW svn5946:09/09/2011


define cooldown:

delay    =    delay in seconds for which the reader is allowed to do more
              ECM requests then defined by parameter "ratelimitecm"
              default: [blank] none
duration =    duration in seconds the reader needs to cooldown
              default: [blank] keine

parameter "ratelimitecm" and "ratelimittime" are required!


parameter is optional

list of EMM-nanos to block (in hex w/o 0x) or all EMM-nanos, only valid for physical readers!


blocknano = 45,93,7a,ff
          = all
          = # [blank] (default)


parameter is optional

block unique EMMs

blockemm-u = 0 # (no block) default
blockemm-u = 1 # (block EMMs, which are addressed to card immediatly) )


parameter is optional

block shared EMMs

blockemm-s = 0 # (no block) default
blockemm-s = 1 # (block EMMs, which are addressed to certain groups of cards)


parameter is optional

block global EMMs

blockemm-g = 0 # (no block) default
blockemm-g = 1 # (block EMMs, which are addressed to all cards)


parameter is optional

block unknown types of EMMs

blockemm-unknown = 0  # (no block)  default
blockemm-unknown = 1  # (block all unknown kinds of EMMs)


parameter is optional

CHANGE svn8615:04/12/2013

blockemm-bylen = [length range,length range]... (decimal)

block all types of EMMs by length, maximum 10 values, default: none


blockemm-bylen  =  1-10,11-


parameter is optional

NEW svn9843:09/05/2014

via_emm_global == 0|1

enables global emm filter for viacces

only for camd35 (cs357x) protocol!

0 = default


parameter is optional

NEW svn5947:09/09/2011

saveemm-u  =  0 (default)
           =  1

save unique EMMs to file. The path can be defined with "emmlogdir=" in oscam.conf (default=config-dir).


parameter is optional

NEW svn5947:09/09/2011

saveemm-s  =  0 (default)
           =  1

save shared EMMs to file. The path can be defined with "emmlogdir=" in oscam.conf (default=config-dir).


parameter is optional

NEW svn5947:09/09/2011

saveemm-g  =  0 (default)
           =  1

save global EMMs to file. The path can be defined with "emmlogdir=" in oscam.conf (default=config-dir).


parameter is optional

NEW svn5947:09/09/2011

saveemm-unknown  =  0 (default)
                 =  1

save unkown EMMs to file. The path can be defined with "emmlogdir=" in oscam.conf (default=config-dir).


parameter is optional

OBSOLETE svn5947:09/09/2011

list of EMM-nanos (in hex w/o 0x) to save or all EMM-nanos. Only valid for physical readers. The path can be defined with "emmlogdir=" in oscam.conf (default=config-dir).




savenano = 45,93,7a,ff
         = all
         = # [blank] default


parameter is optional

Write file (usually a copy of a file saved by savenano) to your smartcard, if no path is specified, the specified file is searched for in the configuration directory, only valid for physical readers!


readnano = write.emm
         = /var/oscam/write.emm
         =  # [blank] (default)


parameter is optional

NEW svn8725:06/25/20113

use_ssl = 0|1

use_ssl  =  1  #  use SSL for ghttp protocol
         =  0  #  default


parameter is optional

CHANGE svn5992:10/22/2011

dropbadcws = 0|1

dropbadcws  =  1   # reject bad CWs, send "not found" instaed of bad CWs
            =  0   # default


parameter is optional

NEW svn6004:10/26/2011

disablecrccrws    =    1  #  disable cw checksum test
                  =    0  #  enable (default)


parameter is optional

The higher the value the higher the probability for reader selection. It's an divider for the average responstime.

lb_weight = weight
          =  # [blank] Default-Wert 100

See here


NEW svn8656:05/22/2013

parameter is optional
lb_whitelist_services = <services>,<services>....

reader assignement to service group for channels which may never be blocked by the loadbalancer to the reader , default=none


parameter is optional

NEW - svn9739:05/19/2014

lb_force_fallback = 0|1

1 = set the reader always as fallback for load blancing without considering the readers statistics

0 = default


parameter depends on setup/programversion

Only for CCcam

define CCcam version

<mainversion>,<version>,<sub version>


cccversion = 1.2.34
parameter depends on setup/programversion

define CCcam maximum SC distance hops

0 = local SCs only
1 = local SCs and + 1 hop
2 = local SCs and + 2 hops
    and so on
    default = 10
parameter depends on setup/programversion

ccchop = hop

Set hop for non CCCam readers

default = 0

parameter depends on setup/programversion

CHANGE svn8607:04/10/2013

Define reader's CCcam reshare hop

cccreshare = -1 # no resharing
           =  0 # reshare for direct peer only
           =  1 # reshare for direct peer and next level
           =  x # resharing for direct peer and share level x

reshare could be defined on 2 ways:

  • reader ("cccreshare")
  • user-account ("cccreshare")

A cards reshare value is set to the smallest value of the 2 parameters !

parameter depends on setup/programversion

Request to provide emu from CCCam server, too.

cccwantemu = 1  # yes
           = 0  # no (default)
parameter depends on setup/programversion

Send keepalive messages to keep connection to remote CCCam server up

ccckeepalive = 1  # yes
             = 0  # no  (default)
parameter is optional
cccreconnect  =  timeout (milli-seconds)

reconnect again after ECM request timeout in milli-secons, default = 12000 milliseconds

parameter depends on setup/programversion

Filters all readers with hops smaller than number

cccmindown =   # number
           = 0 # default


NEW svn8350:02/15/2013

Minimal working configuration example:

Let's say the gbox runs on host and OSCam is on In file cwshare.cfg on gbox side we have, for example, the following lines::

D:{{3820 3819{98AF3E25{A3 A3}}}}

If oscam_gbox should connect to the original GBOX above, then you should configure OSCam as follows:

hostname          =
my_password       = 98AF3E25
port              = 3819
protocol          =  gbox
group             =  1
device            =,3820
password          =  A123BCDE
user              =  gbox_client

parameter is required

device = Comma-separated list of values:

peer's IP or hostname
peer's port


parameter is required

password = 4 hex bytes, 8 chars

peer password



parameter is required

OBSOLETE svn9163:12/31/2013 moved to oscam.conf [gbox]

Passwort = 4 hex bytes, 8 chara

my password



parameter is optional

Reshare-Level of local card(s), default = 0

parameter is optional

gbox_max_distance = max distance to receive peer cards, default = 2

parameter is optional

gbox_max_ecm_send = send ecm to max <gbox_max_ecm_sen> peer cards, default = 3

parameter is required

user name of oscam gbox


user  =  gbox_client


user must also be inserted in oscam.user [account]
Set suitable filters (services=, caid=, ident=) in [reader] and [account] section
to prevent gbox instability by overflooding with too many cards

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