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Self-made OSCam


This article describes the steps one must execute in order to build OSCam from source. All instructions quoted here have been tested on a Linux PC running Debian 6 - Squeeze.


You need a Linux PC. Of course, it doesn't have to be a physical box, a virtual machine (VM) works just as well . We recommend the free VMware Player.

You can download your preferred Linux distribution, as an ISO or as a virtual machine. As mentioned above, the contents of this article were tested on a Debian distribution. It should work almost the same way with Ubuntu.

Required Packages

The following packages are needed for building OSCam:

apt-get install cvs subversion
apt-get install autoconf libccid automake libtool gettext make cmake
apt-get install patch ncurses-bin gcc g++ flex bison pkg-config libpng3
# zlib (development headers) - zlib1g-dev
apt-get install tar bzip2 gzip zlib1g-dev

# for sa and aes:
apt-get install libssl-dev libssl0.9.8

# for pcsc:
apt-get install libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev

# for smartreader branch:
apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

Directory Contents

root@srv01:/var/shares/linux# tree oscam -L 2 -d
+-- bin                # this is where the compiled binary will be placed
¦   +-- archive        # here we archive other OScam binaries
+-- make               # this directory is where we "make" OScam
+-- svn-sb             # this is where the code is downloaded
¦   +-- branches       # Don't create this! It is automatically created by subversion
¦   +-- tags           # Don't create this! It is automatically created by subversion
¦   +-- trunk          # Don't create this! It is automatically created by subversion
+-- toolchains         # optional, contains toolchains for building OScam for other platforms; see Cross-Compiler
    +-- mipsel         # optional - mipsel-Toolchain, e.g. for Dbox2
    +-- ppc            # optional - ppc-Toolchain, e.g. for Dbox
    +-- tdt            # optional - sh4-Toolchain, e.g. for Kathrein

Checking out the source code with Subversion

Initial checkout

We execute this only once, when we checkout the sources for the first time:

oscamRoot='/var/shares/linux/oscam' # modify this path to suit!
svnDir='svn-sb' # change this name to suit!
cd $oscamRoot
svn co http://streamboard.de.vu/svn/oscam $svnDir


After the initial checkout, you only need to update the source code when something is changed in the Repository. Like so:

oscamRoot='/var/shares/linux/oscam'   # path where we have the source code
svnDir='svn-sb'                       # matches the name in initial checkout
svnBranch='trunk'                     # this is the subversion branch
cd $oscamRoot
svn up $svnDir/$svnBranch


There's nothing magic about this process, even though it only takes a few seconds :

# Modify variables as needed! ******************************
# **********************************************************
cd $oscamRoot
# update the source code ***********************************
svn up $svnDir/$svnBranch
# archive the current build (optional) *********************
mv $oscamRoot/bin/oscam* $oscamRoot/bin/archive/
cd $oscamRoot/make
# building for i686 with a Web Interface *******************
rm -fr $oscamRoot/make/*
cmake -DLIBUSBDIR=/usr -DWEBIF=1 -DCS_CONFDIR=/var/keys ../$svnDir/$svnBranch/$svnBuildDir
# if you have a multi-core CPU...
make -j4 # issue 4 parallel compiler jobs
# ... otherwise running 'make' will suffice
# rename the binary to reflect version number...
if [ -x "oscam" ]; then mv -f oscam ../bin/oscam-i686-$ver-$(svnversion -n ../$svnDir/$svnBranch/$svnBuildDir)-wi; fi;
if [ -x "utils/list_smargo" ]; then mv -f utils/list_smargo ../bin/; fi;

Compiling for other platforms

Cross-Compiling is the magic word. To compile OSCam for other platforms, we need additional Toolchains. You can find more information on Toolchains and "Cross-Compiling" »here«.

Example: DM800


# toolchain-mipsel.cmake
set (CMAKE_C_COMPILER /var/shares/linux/oscam/toolchains/mipsel/bin/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc)

Checking out the source code and compilation:

# Modify variables as needed! ******************************
# **********************************************************
cd $oscamRoot
# update the source code ***********************************
svn up $svnDir/$svnBranch
# archive previous build (optional) ************************
mv $oscamRoot/bin/oscam* $oscamRoot/bin/archive/
cd $oscamRoot/make
# mipsel ***************************************************
rm -fr $oscamRoot/make/*
cmake -DLIBUSBDIR=/var/shares/linux/oscam/lib-mipsel/usr -DWEBIF=1 -DCS_CONFDIR=/var/keys -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchains/toolchain-mipsel.cmake ../$svnDir/$svnBranch/$svnBuildDir
make -j4
if [ -x "oscam" ]; then mv oscam ../bin/oscam-mipsel-$ver-$(svnversion -n ../$svnDir/$svnBranch/$svnBuildDir)-wi; fi;

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